The Best of Refractive: Surrender to Greatness

Episode 60 September 28, 2023 00:34:46
The Best of Refractive: Surrender to Greatness
The Best of Refractive: Surrender to Greatness

Sep 28 2023 | 00:34:46


Hosted By

Johnny Guidry

Show Notes

For the Best of Refractive, turn the dial back to February 2020 for an all-time favorite episode- powerful, raw, uplifting. Enjoy "Surrender to Greatness." Magnificence is our birthright. The illusion of struggle, expectations, status, and what's "fair" causes us to actually fight against our own greatness as we desperately seek to control our existence. We can begin to see life as a series of threats and hardships. The truth is: something IS hurting us, and it's US. The self is the only opponent powerful enough to drag us down. And when we put down the weapon and realize that we were fighting shadows, our true power begins to manifest and doors swing open. In this episode of Refractive Johnny G looks into the saga of our battles through examples of interpersonal relationships, the epidemic of shame, and growth lessons from the allegory of Adam and Eve's fall from grace. Are you ready to surrender? Because despite our best efforts, while we can temporarily blind ourselves to it, our magnificence will win in the end. For coaching services or speaking engagements, contact host Johnny Guidry at [email protected] For similarly themed content, try these other episodes: You Already Know, You Already Are and Making Peace with Our Dark Side More information on living your most authentic life is found at and

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