Find Your Genius with Mahima

Episode 28 October 18, 2021 00:48:16
Find Your Genius with Mahima
Find Your Genius with Mahima

Oct 18 2021 | 00:48:16


Hosted By

Johnny Guidry

Show Notes

Mahima- just the one name, thank you very much- joins Refractive to encourage listeners to find your GENIUS- and embrace it! Speaker, author, and founder of The Mahima Mindset, Mahima discusses breaking free of the societal programming in Zimbabwe that threatened to keep her life WAY smaller than she deserved, and the decision to step into her full power. She talks about two important forms of purpose (your genius and your mission) that are important to investigate, and a challenge to all of us to check for self-sabotage around abundance. Mahima also reviews the link between beliefs and the beautiful life we manifest for ourselves. Enjoy this extraordinarily rich episode that is chock-full of love, wisdom, and gentle guidance.

For more information on Mahima’s offerings and her free gift- the 21 day meditation challenge- visit

For similarly themed episodes on Refractive, check out “When Purpose Gets in the Way,” “Whose Expectations Are You Trying to Meet?” and “Free Yourself from Limiting Beliefs.”

Contact host Johnny Guidry at [email protected], and visit Mahima at

Automatic transcript follows, please excuse any errors.

Hello, everyone. And welcome to another episode of refractive. This is Johnny G today. I am so pleased to introduce you to my guests. Her name is Mahima and she is a self-mastery mentor. She’s a mindset trainer and international best-selling author and an award-winning speaker. She’s the founder of the, my Hema mindset. Although she was born and raised in Zimbabwe, she has since spent her entire life traveling the world, and she has taught her own unique brand of mindful leadership. She has done over 10,000 hours of meditation practice. She is a sought after expert on meditation. And today she is here to talk with us about discovering your own genius. And I am so excited to dig a little bit into this amazing topic. So welcome a Hema. It’s wonderful to have you.
Speaker 3 00:01:39 Thank you so much, Johnny. Thank you for having me what a pleasure to be able to come and share my story. And, you know, your story is brilliant, remarkable, and amazing. And, um, and it’s just such a joy to be in the presence of what I call like powerful people that are like just doing what they love in the world and, you know, and spreading love enjoying the world. So it’s an honor to be here with you. Thank you.
Speaker 2 00:02:04 Thank you. I have to say that that’s been one of the most wonderful parts of living this lifestyle. And following this path is meeting people who spread light. And this is, so this is my tribe, right? This is my tribe. You know, a lot of people, we find our tribe and in our late adolescents or perhaps university years, or, you know, but no, my tribe it’s these people who crisscrossed the world shining brightly and helping other people to shine brightly. And so I know that this has been an important part of how you have established yourself in the world.
Speaker 3 00:02:43 Absolutely. I mean, my whole world changed when I was 22 years old and I came into contact with a tribe of people that were meditating. I meditated for the first time and got introduced to concepts, ideas, um, feelings, emotions, experiences that quite frankly, and honestly I had not previously experienced. So, and I know that meeting all of these amazing people at this particular place, it was an ashram in India, um, has changed the course of my life completely, totally and utterly. Yeah. Um, it started a healing process, which, um, I didn’t even, I needed. Yeah,
Speaker 2 00:03:28 That’s right. That’s the most wonderful part about it when we discover these, these, these journeys that we didn’t anticipate. And, you know, today we look at these, we, I make assumptions about you. I don’t know. But, uh, we, I look at this part of my life and it’s so important and so precious to me and it’s something I didn’t even know I would want.
Speaker 3 00:03:52 Absolutely, absolutely. Because I come from a very, I came from a very traditional family. Um, if anyone knows anything about Zimbabwe, we, you know that in the sixties, seventies, and even eighties, early eighties, it was under apartheid. Right. Which is a very negative mindset to be brought up in, you know? So, uh, I have a lot of stuff in my childhood and I believe that a lot of our issues as adults come from things that happened in our childhood, but because we’re not taught to think about that in that way. Yeah. We don’t, we don’t realize it. And so we blame ourselves for, you know, maybe being too angry, being too, you know, what people might call lazy or being, uh, closed or being, um, you know, a negative or whatever it is that has, um, brought about the state of reality into our system.
Speaker 3 00:04:55 Right? So for me, growing up in apartheid, growing up in, uh, what I call the heat culture, because even my grandmother and my aunts and aunties and everyone around me, um, everyone was really struggling with the politics of the country. There was even a war at one point. Um, and all this affected me a lot when I was a child. And I realized later as an adult, that I was still affected by all of these things. And so the process that I think you and I talk about in our world with the refractive coaching and the stuff that I do is just really to, to, to, to get people to open up to the fact that there’s so much more joy, more love, more available inside of you, then the society leads you to believe,
Speaker 2 00:05:46 Oh, that is, that is so powerful because you know, we are, we are our own jailers. We are the people that hold us in the cage. This is a cage that we hold shut and there’s not a person on the planet, strong enough to lock us in. We do it. And we do it and discovering the freedom that I am the jailer. And I am the savior that I have been for to release myself from this. This is, this is the joy, this is the joy. And so tell me about this process of discovering your genius and discovering your mission. I imagine it must be a very satisfying part of what you do with people and I’d love to hear about it.
Speaker 3 00:06:33 Okay, awesome. So, um, I believe that we have, I call it two purposes in life. Okay. And one is the, the purpose of the soul. And I’ll explain that in a second. And one is what I call the purpose of the body. Right. So, um, so when we’re looking for a life purpose, when we’re looking for, um, you know, what is, you know, what is what I call the genius? It’s very much about what am I going to do with my time and this body. Okay. So the sole purpose is the part of us that you, your soul is the part that came into this world with nothing and is going to leave with nothing. Yeah. So there’s a part of us that is the mysterious part of it. Some people call it consciousness, some people call it awareness. Some people call it source. Some people call it God, some people call it later.
Speaker 3 00:07:29 You know, there’s different names have been used to try to explain that there is an aspect of self that moves on from this body and will travel into whichever universes or whatever you believe or don’t believe that there’s an ongoing journey. Right? So, so, um, I believe that the two purposes we have is one is the sole purpose. And one is the body purpose, or the sole purpose is all about discovering how to be a happy, um, grounded, loving kind, and respectful human to and others. And that my discovery at 22 was all about my sole purpose. Like I didn’t know about that. And I was
Speaker 2 00:08:16 Your experience in India, right? This is what you’re talking about
Speaker 3 00:08:19 Is my experience in India discovering, um, uh, what I call the self discovering peace, discovering joy, discovering, um, that I didn’t need anything. In fact, I have a sentence to describe this. My teacher in India, he taught me an inner peace, a love and a joy that is not dependent on outside circumstances, events or people. Yes. Because it’s super powerful and inner peace and love and a joy that is not dependent on external circumstances, events, or people. This is what I call a soul. Your soul’s purpose is defined its way back home. Yes. Yep. Find his way to that place where you realize you already have everything you need inside of you right now. Yeah. That’s the art of meditation, isn’t it just be being and letting go, letting go of the doer, the one to the needer trying to fix things, you know, feeling broken.
Speaker 3 00:09:25 Um, all of the things that, you know, we usually are holding onto. So it’s, it’s allowing yourself to just be, to be yourself. Yeah. Um, to go beyond the body and beyond the mind. Right. So that is for me, your sole purpose. It is doing the work to elevate yourself as a human. So even though I come from Zimbabwe, I come from hatred. I come from, um, you know, uh, uh, physical abuse, sexually abused. I come from an abusive past and all of this could be the story that I carry around with me, but because I’ve done the work to connect to my soul, I realized that I’m not my story. I’m not my pain. I’m not anger. I’m not the, the, the, the hatred. I’m not the guilt. I’m not the sexual abuse. I’m not the drama. I’m S there’s another part of me. Right. And that’s my soul. And my soul is untouched by any external, um, stuff. So that’s the first thing. I try to get people to acknowledge. Yeah. When they do with me and the work that I do, it’s like, can we look, is there more to you than your name and your students?
Speaker 2 00:10:40 Yes, listen, listen, this is, so this is just it’s revolutionary. I mean, in fact, I believe it’s the opposite of revolutionary. It’s the most basic, it’s the most basic thing. But in today in our society, it’s so revolutionary to think that you, uh, you could be locked up in justly. You could be abandoned, you could be abused and you can still love what is, yeah. You can still find love all around you, even in the midst of such tragedy. And, and this is something where I’ve struggled with this during, during the COVID pandemic, that so many people are so upset. They’re so they’re hurting about, about this. They’re, they’re, they’re, they’re hurting because of the suffering. They see they’re hurting because of the fear for their wellbeing. And I want to honor that I’m not here to tell people what their journey should look like, but I got to tell you that I’m not suffering.
Speaker 2 00:11:55 I’m not suffering. Like I, I have found beautiful avenues of living that have opened up during COVID. There are things I can do in COVID that I could never do outside of COVID. Well, I w I went to, um, New York and I was able to walk down the middle of Lexington avenue for a block, with not a single car coming. And it was just one of these experiences that I’ll never forget, you know, because this is a city with more traffic than you can imagine. And I’m just walking down the middle of a street, just soaking in what’s happening. And I had so many of these experiences, and I don’t know about you, but I have, without taking away the pain of others, I have really found so much love and beauty, um, to be harvested during this time. And I believe that that holds true during any type of difficulty.
Speaker 3 00:12:57 Absolutely. And I think I love the way you explaining this. It’s just so juicy. And I think what people need to understand is what I call the reality. Okay. And the reality is that when we came into this world, we came in as pure consciousness. If you look at a little baby, there are pure love. Yes. A baby is pure love. That’s just all a baby is right. And then as the baby starts to grow, it starts to learn about fear, about, hate, about anger, about pain, but it doesn’t know any of that stuff before we teach it that stuff. So what we’re essentially saying is even when you, I think when you’re leaving this planet, I think there’s a moment where you return back to your core. If you haven’t woken up during your life and think there’s moment, you return back to that, love you re you know, you ridden back to that, that pure essence of self. Right? So, um, so yeah, basically you are pure love. That’s why you said you’re able to experience, even in adversity, you’re able to experience love, right. Because that’s our nature. That’s
Speaker 2 00:14:09 All there is.
Speaker 3 00:14:11 Yeah. That’s our nature beyond all of the drama and all of the story, but only when we become still can we know that, right? And that’s why it’s important to create experiences for people to experience for themselves. I didn’t know about this until I experienced it. Like someone telling me, oh, your nature is love. Oh yeah. That sounds nice. But
Speaker 2 00:14:36 Yeah, that’s great. That’s great. Hallmark. That’s great. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:14:38 Yeah. So I love to actually create experiences for people. Like, look, I’ll show you what I figured out. I’ll, I’ll help to guide you into that deeper place. So you can experience what I’ve experienced. That’s what my teacher did for me. He held the space and opened up ways of perceiving myself and reality. That allow me to understand I’m not my story. Sorry. I don’t know if I can say I just said it, but I’m not my story. Right. Um, so, so yes, it’s a part of me, but it’s a part of the limited version of me. What do I mean by that? It means that I could leave my body at any second. This all could be over. I could have one night. I could have 10 nights. I could have 10 years and I could still have 50 years to live. We do not know how much time we have. So every moment is so precious every single moment. And then you’ve got to ask yourself the question. I have a choice of how I’m going to live this moment. Right. I can lean. And I always say to people, you only ever have two choices. That’s why this becomes so easy to bring it to,
Speaker 2 00:15:56 Can we bring it to me? Cause I, I, I think I know what you’re going to say. And I’m excited. So tell me,
Speaker 3 00:16:01 You only ever have two choices. You can lean into positivity, or you can lean into negativity in some way, form or shape. Always only making two decisions. Now, as you listening to this, you could be leaning into, oh, no, I don’t like this woman. I don’t like which, which is okay. You, you have the right to do that. And so you lean into that, like no rejection and whatever it is, right. Or you can lean into, wow, this is interesting. I want to hear more. Oh, I’m curious. Or always like it or whatever. Right? So you only ever making two choices when you anxiety, anxiety, it’s a choice. Anxiety is a choice. You no, one’s holding a gun to your head and saying, you have to feel anxiety right now. You can say, what is it going to bring me? What is this feeling going to bring me?
Speaker 3 00:16:49 It brings me nothing. So what can I look to be grateful for right now? So right now you could lean into gratitude. Like, oh, I’m alive. Yes. I am here. I’m in my body. And I have the opportunity today to share more intimacy and more love with the people that I care about. Whether that’s through Skype or through whatever I’m making a choice to live. Yes. Yeah. And that, because that’s honoring life, that’s honoring reality. And the fact that you honor, you don’t know how much time you have. Right. So it is actually an arrogance to think you have time first. And then once you get out of that story of, I have time you think, okay, I have this moment. What do you want to do? Yeah,
Speaker 2 00:17:35 That’s right. And so tell me, bring this back to, uh, the, the, the soul mission. You said. So that’s what we’re talking about first, right? The sole mission. And so how do you figure that?
Speaker 3 00:17:47 Okay. So your sole purpose is all about working on yourself, not being happy for no reason. Uh, waking up to the reality, what I’ve just told you about. You don’t know how much time you have your hello. What do you want to do with your time? This is all what I call the soul purpose. And very essential part of finding your genius and your calling, because most people. And when I talk about genius, I talk about talent. Your genius for me is your talent. It is your, I also call it your moneymaker because let’s be let’s. And that’s why I say it’s connected to the body because without the body, you don’t need a genius.
Speaker 2 00:18:31 You are everything. You are the creator. So
Speaker 3 00:18:33 Yes. So, so the genius I call it, the body purpose is really the talent that you are going to choose to become masterful at. Okay. Yeah. So, so that’s why people get confused because they’re like, put me Hema. I am so good at, uh, at sewing and I’m good at, um, hiking and I’m good at, you know, uh, coaching and I don’t know, I can’t choose. Right. You have to choose, you have to choose, like you can have 10 talents, but are you masterful at something because that’s, what’s going to give you confidence in life to know that you bring a value, you have something to give to the world and that’s your talent. Now, some people use music, some people use, you know, uh, cooking. Some people use teaching. Some people use, um, helping people lose weight. Some people, you know, so there’s different talents that you could hone in on, in camp.
Speaker 3 00:19:35 And I see choose the talent that lights up your soul the most. Yeah. Because it’s going to be very difficult on any path you choose to really become a superstar on that path. Right. So if you say, I’m gonna take cooking and I want to do something with cooking, okay. That’s going to be a challenging path, even if you’re good at cooking, right. If you say, oh, no, I’m going to take a sewing and I’m going to do something with that. There’s going to be a challenging map. You know? So even if you pretty good at sewing, so choose the path that feels the most, like, I want to leave a legacy here. Right? So that’s your, I want to take this talent and do something meaningful in the world and just be about making money, even though your genius is your moneymaker be about making money because you know, we all know that you can make money from your talent and still be miserable. Right. And why is that? Why are people like, you know, I’ve got my money. I’ve made money. Yeah. I’ve got my talent, but they still are drowning in, in, in whatever, like negative issues, living
Speaker 2 00:20:45 A lukewarm life at best.
Speaker 3 00:20:47 Exactly. Why is that? Because of the parties first talked about, they didn’t work on their sole purpose. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:20:54 All right.
Speaker 3 00:20:55 Does that make sense? This is all about just, I am just such a grateful, grounded, centered, happy human being. I’m not like this all the time because I’m fricking human. Yeah. But I try to spend 80% of my time just saying, thank you. Thank you. I try to spend 80% of my time being helpful and kind and meaningful to others. Um, I try to spend 80% of my time feeling good about myself and the world. This is the sole purpose. And it needs to be done more than the body purpose, the body purpose. We can find that easily. Right? I’m a teacher, I’m a dancer. I’m a musician. I’m an artist. I’m a cook. I’m a, this I’m a that right. That’s all great. But what are you going to do with that talent? That makes it feel meaningful. And that’s when we switch into the mission, what I call your mission, my gift is facilitating transformation.
Speaker 2 00:21:54 I like
Speaker 3 00:21:54 That. That’s my gift. And I’m becoming masterful at this. It’s been two and a half decades. It’s in the making and I will continue to grow and I have a lot to learn and I’ve learned a lot. Um, and now my mission is to empower people, to be peaceful, powerful, and joyful in the now yes.
Speaker 2 00:22:14 Now
Speaker 3 00:22:15 In the now. Yes. So that’s my personal mission. That’s what makes me wake up in the morning and not make it about me and get sort of bogged down with all of my problems. Yeah. So I can take this gift that I have, and I can focus it on my mission, which is to empower people, to be peaceful, powerful, and joyful in the now presence of the now that’s really what I teach. I teach. I wake up, wake up, wait, hello? Hello. You’re here now. Do you realize how precious this could be open snap off a second? Yeah. Let’s come back to reality and let’s make better choices today right now about who you want to be, because nobody cares about what you achieve, what you have or what you accomplish. What makes, what they care about is who you are, what you made them feel, what you brought to the table, energetically, spiritually with love. That’s what people care about.
Speaker 2 00:23:15 That’s right. That’s right. Let me ask you then. Okay. So I’m gonna, I’m going to connect two dots that I see here. And I think that they make sense, but I want to give you a chance to comment on that by belief. And I believe from what I hearing you may feel similarly, is that if you focus on the ever present now yes. And if you build your capacity, uh, I, I, if to me, it’s more, if you, if you access your memory of how to be present in the now, uh, then your sole mission, your soul purpose, your soul purpose and your body purpose, or your genius naturally become clear, open paths. Because every answer that you could possibly need for anything in life is in the ever-present. Now that Sur is in the stillness. It is. If we desire, if we have sufficient desire to go into the stillness and ask the question, listen, and then find the guts to do what the stillness tells us to do. And once we do that, there is no more obstacle like Paolo Coelho in the alchemists says, when you follow your personal legend, the entire universe conspires in your favor. And so this is really what I believe. And I’m wondering if you might feel the same way.
Speaker 3 00:24:57 Absolutely. I have different words to describe it, but exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing. So we’re saying the same thing, just, I would use different words. My sentence is I’m living in a friendly universe that is designed to support me. It is designed. I am designed to be here in this time and space and everything around me is designed to support me. We see this in nature, everything is called creating and coexisting together. It’s not an island on its own, right. Um, clouds are created that fall as rain that fall into a river that, you know, gives water and makes the trees grow. And there’s all this interconnected space. And then we breathe the fresh air. And so this, so we are part of this amazing ecosystem on a physical level and on an energetic spiritual level. And once you start to understand that, as you said, there’s nothing you can’t do be or have.
Speaker 2 00:26:02 Yes. Yes, that’s right. But that
Speaker 3 00:26:05 Being said, you have to stay in radical action, not right. You’ve got to stay in radical action. Like if you say, you know, whatever it is, I want to, you know, I don’t want to have a job. I want to, you know, be a global nomad like you are doing right now. This is a conscious choice. This is not like, oh, look how lucky he is. He’s just a global nomad floating. Right? No, you’ve consciously chose.
Speaker 2 00:26:32 Thank you for saying that. Yes. I love that. Yes. My ego loves hearing that because I got to tell you, it is, it is, uh, it is. I want say that so much when people say, oh, I just wish I could have a life. Like you, you don’t want to be like, you’re the only thing that’s stopping you from having a life like you, your toddler is not stopping you from having a life like me. Your job is not stopping you from having a life like me. You’re ailing. Parents are not stopping you from having a life like me. You are stopping you and you may be stopping you for wonderful, perfect reasons. Or you may be stopping yourself for fear, doubt, or ego. And you know, what everybody’s path is perfect. Everyone’s path is ideal. There is no, there is no imperfect path. Uh, but we are the ones who create the
Speaker 3 00:27:28 100 cents. And let’s explain that gaze you create how you create is through your belief systems. Yes. So your belief systems create your emotional body, which create your actions that you take, right? So let’s say I believe that, um, my education leaving school at 16, um, is going to mean that I don’t get access to certain jobs, certain opportunities and be, and I believe that because I only went to school until 16, I can’t do X, Y, Z. So this belief is going to cause an emotional state inside of me. Maybe that feeling of being stupid, a feeling of not being enough, a feeling of not, uh, you know, being able to accomplish what I want to accomplish. And then I’m going to be acting according to their belief system. Yes. So now let’s say we change the belief that, you know, in order to, you know, like you don’t need a, you know, a PhD and a master’s degree to be a international business legend.
Speaker 3 00:28:37 Yes. You just change the belief you like, you know, I can be, I can be street smart. I can be, you know, savvy. I can like, I don’t need a, um, uh, a school education to be able to be financially successful in the world. I believe that. And now I start to feel a certain way because of that belief, right? Unity’s come my way. I’m operating with that belief system, right. That education is great, but it doesn’t equal. Success equals success is a different level of smartness. So you can have PhDs, you can have master’s degrees and you can still fail, you know? Um, and you can just be street smart and savvy and succeed. So every belief is creating your reality. That’s
Speaker 2 00:29:23 100% true. So
Speaker 3 00:29:25 You believe that you are going to be taken care of you believe that you’re going to create, um, positive experiences. You create, you believe that things are gonna unfold and come to you. And by the way, I know this because I also lived a nomad life, which I still feel I’m semi there, but because I’m married and, you know, we have a place here in Switzerland, we have a little bit of a base camp, but before that I was floating around and creating magic in my life and even with my husband. Um, so, so I know that beliefs create your emotional state, create the actions that you take. And that’s why you want to surround yourself with people that don’t think like you do that can allow you to challenge some of those beliefs that you have that are keeping you in, uh, in the prison as you so beautifully put it. Yeah. So let’s
Speaker 2 00:30:21 See the prison.
Speaker 2 00:30:22 Let’s, let’s bring this to some practical, uh, some practical help for the listener. So we talked about the, uh, we talked about the sole purpose, which is really simply learning to recognize your oneness with the creator. It’s really learning to recognize your perfection and to step into that, right? And to, to stop turning to fear and doubt and all of the things that keep us, uh, small in this animal kingdom. And then there is the, uh, body mission, the genius, which is a, let’s find something that we feel joy doing, that we become masterful at. And that takes care of the logistical aspects of living our life
Speaker 3 00:31:09 And serves humanity. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:31:12 And I’m so glad you said that. Yes. Because you know, um, the concept of fulfillment, as we think about a fulfilling life requires service or usefulness, right. Fulfillment can not occur. This is what I, you know, what, can I back this up with a fact? No, but if you disagree with me, I don’t know what to tell you don’t fight me. Cause I don’t fight anymore. But you know, fulfillment requires usefulness that there is no such thing as being fulfilled through service to yourself, it requires something like that
Speaker 3 00:31:50 100% and you enemy people can try it, like look at people that are like, oh, you know, like clients that come onto our campus, you know, and they’re like, what, why do I need to be of service? Why do I need to be a server? I said, because I mean, think about what gives you the most joy. And then they started to talk about, you know, people and being able to support or help somebody, you know? Um, but you know, in some way, making someone else’s life better, but not above your own wellbeing. Let me be clear about that. Okay. This is not that like, I’m gonna get, like while you’re dying and becoming a smaller version, this is about being the best version of yourself and saying, now I’ve elevated, right? Because I’ve worked on my self on a soulful level and maybe in process, you’ve created more abundance in your life because that, that has to happen. Okay. There’s no way you can elevate yourself and not elevate your, your abundance. That means
Speaker 2 00:32:51 Fruits.
Speaker 3 00:32:54 It’s just not possible. Right. That higher frequency brings in more gorgeous people, more great opportunities. And you know, and I see it all the time because people come on our campus and they’re like, ah, miracles are happening now. Oh my God. And it’s maybe too fast. And I’m like, sweetheart, it’s not too fast. Ready for this already say yes, yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 3 00:33:25 So yeah, the, the, the, the, the, the being of service, that’s the mission, right? So you take your genius, which is your talent. You choose a talent, cause yes, you may have 10 talents. But if you want to be, if you look at anyone in the world that you admire anybody, they ha they chose a path to become masterful at. And then maybe they branched out. Right. So Beyonce, she didn’t start with trying to act, trying to design, trying to, you know, she started with as a singer. And when she got to the high level, then other doors opened, she became a triple threat. Then she’s acting and she’s an entrepreneur or fancy stuff. Right. But her initial grind was taking her talent to the highest level. She could play that game. Right. It required focus and energy. So I know lots of people might be like, yeah, that’s maybe old school. It’s not old school. It is new school. It’s today’s school. Don’t be all over the place, choose a talent and nurture that talent until the talent gives back to you. Yes. Yes. And it will, it will. There’s no other way that this can happen. If you commit to your talent and becoming masterful and using it to serve others, there’s only one way this thing can go, which is
Speaker 2 00:34:39 Right. That’s right. Here’s the, here’s the corollary to that. That if you believe pursuing your talent, won’t pay the bills, then you are correct. You know, that’s the thing. Now, if you want to sell jewelry at a flea market and also make $250,000 a year, I’m not saying that that’s not possible. I’m saying you have a heck of a road ahead of you to figure out if that’s, what, if though, if those two things are both required for you, but the question is, why do you want $250,000 income? Like, like, is that really what your soul is asking for? Or is that what your ego or fear or discomfort or doubt is asking for, you know, or is that what someone else in your life is telling you to ask for? Um, when I listened to my inner soul, sure. I would love, I would love to make a quarter of a million dollars a year. That would be so wonderful. It would be delightful. Um, but when I asked my inside, is that, is that something I should pursue my insights say, no, baby, no, no, no. You’re, you’re all your needs are met. All your needs are met. So some, some, uh, you know, random number that you fixated on for income that is you trying to control that is you trying to take the unknown out of life. And the only way to take the unknown out of life is to go inside and get in touch with the stillness.
Speaker 3 00:36:14 Absolutely. I, I, you know, I agree that we should be very deep listening to the, why do we want this? Yes.
Speaker 2 00:36:23 That’s it really wrong with high income? No. Why need it? Yes,
Speaker 3 00:36:31 Exactly. Yeah, because you know, like, I, I don’t, I personally come from the school where, you know, uh, money and spirituality can dance very beautifully together. Very beautiful. We remove the limiting beliefs that they shouldn’t dance beauties. I’ve noticed in the spiritual scene or world, there is a sort of like, like a downplay on money can be there. Like, you know, like you shouldn’t want money. If you’re spiritual, you should just be like, Hey, you know, I got the spirit and I want to tell my personal story. Um, I used to say things like, um, I don’t need money. I don’t need money. I, I, I, in a piece is what matters to me. Right. And I said that and repeated that. And then, uh, my joke now is, you know, I didn’t need money and money ended up not needing me either. Okay. And this is very unpleasant.
Speaker 3 00:37:26 I went through a bankruptcy with my husband. Um, we had to file for bankruptcy. It was a very challenging time in our lives. Um, and, uh, and then when I was 40 I’m 50 now, um, I was financially dependent on my husband. We sort of crude our way through, you know, the bankruptcy. Um, and we were better, but I, and I still was prance. I say prancing, cause I literally used to prance around like, you know, like I used to run around and I was saying it ISO still hadn’t learned from their bankruptcy. Right. And I was saying, and so we were going down towards the second bankruptcy and that’s when I said, I got to stop saying this because I do care about money. I do not want to be like 45 years old. And like, feeling like, I don’t know where money is.
Speaker 3 00:38:21 Like, like I, this is not the life I want. It’s not the life I saw for myself. So I made a decision to have a completely, my shift around money. And I started to say, money loves me. And I love money. I love money. And money loves me. We have a good relationship. And yes, money, money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis while enriching lives. I’m so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis. And I started saying this, which I got from Bob Proctor, this mantra, I started seeing this mantra and started to kind of heal that part of me that didn’t there was rejecting money. Right. And, uh, and you know, my life completely changed after that. You know, so I’m here as a kind of, you know, recovering, you know, um, the spiritual hippie who rejected who say, listen, I do, you know, like I need to get my shit together on this level as well, because that’s part of the holistic, you know, self care. So, so, so I think for anyone listening, yes, it’s important to ask, why do you want this? But also you need to believe that you deserve the very best that life has to
Speaker 2 00:39:50 Offer. That’s right.
Speaker 3 00:39:52 You have the very best that life. And you get to define what that very best is.
Speaker 2 00:39:56 Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. The ego attaches to the idea of giving up money just as easily as it attaches to the idea of needing to be rich, you know? And so it’s about understanding, am I, uh, am I trying to be a moneyless spiritual person because it makes me feel special and superior, you know, because that is every bit as, um, detrimental to your soul growth as needing to make a certain income. They both equal opposites for sure.
Speaker 3 00:40:37 Beautiful. I’m so glad we touched on this topic because it’s so important. And I, I don’t know if it’s more important for women or for men, right. Because men in neatly have had for centuries the training, you’ve got to get the money.
Speaker 3 00:40:54 You know what I’m saying? There’s no question about it. We got to go for that money. Okay. Sometimes to their own detriment. Okay. But as women, there’s a tendency to at least I had that for sure. Like, uh, yeah. I mean, the money’s going to come and we flow and you know, and this kind of ideas, until, as I said, I was staring down the barrel of a potential second bankruptcy where I thought, oh, I was expecting my husband to save me, you know? And, and I’ve let my, I’ve lost myself on this level. And I need to take charge of myself. I need to take charge of my responsibility to myself, to be financially standing on my own two feet. It was really tough period in my life because I had to, I really have had to what I call own my B S and I had look at myself in the mirror and say, you know, Hema, come on, you’re better than this. Right. Um, you know, go after what you truly want. Like, what do you really want? And what I wanted was to be able to, to stand up on my own feet, be financially independent, doing what I love. Yes,
Speaker 2 00:42:07 Yes,
Speaker 3 00:42:08 Yes. But I thought, I need to figure this out. I need to figure this out and how I figured it out was getting help. I couldn’t figure it out by myself. So there’s anyone listening to this? There, there, there is always people like myself, like Johnny, like other people that have gone past their limitations and therefore they can show you how to do that. You don’t need to figure this out on your, on your own. No. Get someone to walk the path with you that you, that you feel connected to. And, you know, I’m so glad that I’ve, you know, had the courage to, to do own my BS and say, listen, this has to change. I can not have this repeat in five years. Right. Um, at my 40th birthday, I was like, this is ridiculous. I do not want to be here at 45.
Speaker 3 00:42:59 And I certainly don’t want to be here at 50. Right. Yeah. And I intended this. So by 50, I blown my own mind. I’ve completely lost my relationship with money. I’ve created independence. I’ve created success. I work with my husband together very happily. And we have just completely changed our lives because we changed our belief system. Yeah. And, and my belief was, I don’t care about money. I care about peace. That was my belief. Okay. And it wasn’t helping me. So I got rid of that one. I care about peace and money. Okay. I can care about both at the same time. It doesn’t make me a bad person.
Speaker 2 00:43:42 Let me ask you a hemo. If listeners want to learn more about what you do and how you show up in the world and, uh, or if they just really enjoyed your energy and kind of want to just connect with you in some way. Uh, what do you,
Speaker 3 00:43:57 Okay. So I recommend that you would go to the, my Hema
Speaker 2 00:44:06 In the show notes, for sure.
Speaker 3 00:44:07 Yeah. So T H E and then my name Matt Hema, and how to spell this is just think of mama with a high. Yeah. So ma H I M E my Hema, um, and what you will have as a juicy, wonderful gift is you will have my 21 day meditation challenge. So you can start connecting to your soul purpose to day. So you can start feeling the power of the now and feel the presence of that simplicity that is love and beauty inside of you. And yes, I can get you there within, you know, 10 do I think most of the recordings are like about 13 minutes a day for 21 days, all you need to do is commit and you can do it on your own. It’s just the journey you can download and do it on your own. And it’s going to give you more peace, more, love, more joy.
Speaker 3 00:45:07 That’s what people tell me that do this. So it’s not me blowing my own trumpet. That’s what people have told me. They’re like, oh my God, this challenge is amazing. Uh, and it’s just a few minutes and it’s completely free. So you can go over there and get rocking with that. And then of course you can join us at the Mahima mindset page on Facebook, um, as well. And also, uh, I think it’s Mahima mindset on Instagram. Yeah. My mindset on Instagram. So I would love to meet you, enjoy the challenge. I hope you have fun with it. Um, you can do it also with friends and family as a 21 day challenge to just connect to deeper inner peace.
Speaker 2 00:45:43 Yes, exactly. And as I mentioned in the beginning of the show, you know, Mahima has spent over 10,000 hours in meditation practice. And so this is something that she has dedicated her life to so many, not only episodes of refractive, but so many of the listeners of refractive are just embarking on this spiritual journey and are finding the courage to go inside and find the stillness. So if meditation is something that’s challenging, we’ve talked about this before on other episodes of medicine, meditation is something that you feel is, is, is, uh, as a challenge for you. Uh, definitely go to the Mahima and take a look at this challenge because 21 days is enough time for you to build a habit. And so having someone to guide you through, uh, walking into your stillness and, and growing comfortable in that spot is invaluable. So thank you for that behemoth.
Speaker 3 00:46:38 You’re welcome. Thank you everyone for your time here. Thank you, Johnny. For, as I said, continuing to be a beautiful light in this world, bringing these conversations to people, so really appreciate it. I’ve had a lot of fun. Thank you so much joy.
Speaker 2 00:46:54 Yes. Thank you everyone. Remember that as you go out into the world and you find people who are struggling and who are trudging along the path of a difficult life, uh, we are all just doing the very best we can. So be good to each other and never pass up an opportunity to aim your light. Make it a good one. Bye everybody.
Speaker 3 00:47:15 Beautiful.
Speaker 2 00:47:17 You have been listening to refractive podcast, and this is Johnny G. If you’ve enjoyed today’s episode, do me a favor, give it a share on social media, or if you’re in the podcast app, give it a, if you’re on YouTube, click like it really does make a difference in the search results. I am a speaker, coach and facilitator based in Washington, DC, but I work in person and remotely with people who are ready to step with clarity into their most authentic life. If I can be of service, reach out to me, [email protected] . Have an amazing day. Be good to each other and always remember, aim your light.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Ever since you can remember, you felt something in your chest telling you to move, to love, to speak, to try day after day. You pretend you don't hear calling, or maybe you dismiss it as silliness or worse, but it's there ready for you and we'll wait for you. And as long as you, my name is Johnny G and I invite you to join me on a journey of awakening. As we dare to embrace our light. This is refractive Speaker 2 00:00:47 Hello, everyone. And welcome to another episode of refractive. This is Johnny G today. I am so pleased to introduce you to my guests. Her name is Mahima and she is a self-mastery mentor. She's a mindset trainer and international best-selling author and an award-winning speaker. She's the founder of the, my Hema mindset. Although she was born and raised in Zimbabwe, she has since spent her entire life traveling the world, and she has taught her own unique brand of mindful leadership. She has done over 10,000 hours of meditation practice. She is a sought after expert on meditation. And today she is here to talk with us about discovering your own genius. And I am so excited to dig a little bit into this amazing topic. So welcome a Hema. It's wonderful to have you. Speaker 3 00:01:39 Thank you so much, Johnny. Thank you for having me what a pleasure to be able to come and share my story. And, you know, your story is brilliant, remarkable, and amazing. And, um, and it's just such a joy to be in the presence of what I call like powerful people that are like just doing what they love in the world and, you know, and spreading love enjoying the world. So it's an honor to be here with you. Thank you. Speaker 2 00:02:04 Thank you. I have to say that that's been one of the most wonderful parts of living this lifestyle. And following this path is meeting people who spread light. And this is, so this is my tribe, right? This is my tribe. You know, a lot of people, we find our tribe and in our late adolescents or perhaps university years, or, you know, but no, my tribe it's these people who crisscrossed the world shining brightly and helping other people to shine brightly. And so I know that this has been an important part of how you have established yourself in the world. Speaker 3 00:02:43 Absolutely. I mean, my whole world changed when I was 22 years old and I came into contact with a tribe of people that were meditating. I meditated for the first time and got introduced to concepts, ideas, um, feelings, emotions, experiences that quite frankly, and honestly I had not previously experienced. So, and I know that meeting all of these amazing people at this particular place, it was an ashram in India, um, has changed the course of my life completely, totally and utterly. Yeah. Um, it started a healing process, which, um, I didn't even, I needed. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:03:28 That's right. That's the most wonderful part about it when we discover these, these, these journeys that we didn't anticipate. And, you know, today we look at these, we, I make assumptions about you. I don't know. But, uh, we, I look at this part of my life and it's so important and so precious to me and it's something I didn't even know I would want. Speaker 3 00:03:52 Absolutely, absolutely. Because I come from a very, I came from a very traditional family. Um, if anyone knows anything about Zimbabwe, we, you know that in the sixties, seventies, and even eighties, early eighties, it was under apartheid. Right. Which is a very negative mindset to be brought up in, you know? So, uh, I have a lot of stuff in my childhood and I believe that a lot of our issues as adults come from things that happened in our childhood, but because we're not taught to think about that in that way. Yeah. We don't, we don't realize it. And so we blame ourselves for, you know, maybe being too angry, being too, you know, what people might call lazy or being, uh, closed or being, um, you know, a negative or whatever it is that has, um, brought about the state of reality into our system. Speaker 3 00:04:55 Right? So for me, growing up in apartheid, growing up in, uh, what I call the heat culture, because even my grandmother and my aunts and aunties and everyone around me, um, everyone was really struggling with the politics of the country. There was even a war at one point. Um, and all this affected me a lot when I was a child. And I realized later as an adult, that I was still affected by all of these things. And so the process that I think you and I talk about in our world with the refractive coaching and the stuff that I do is just really to, to, to, to get people to open up to the fact that there's so much more joy, more love, more available inside of you, then the society leads you to believe, Speaker 2 00:05:46 Oh, that is, that is so powerful because you know, we are, we are our own jailers. We are the people that hold us in the cage. This is a cage that we hold shut and there's not a person on the planet, strong enough to lock us in. We do it. And we do it and discovering the freedom that I am the jailer. And I am the savior that I have been for to release myself from this. This is, this is the joy, this is the joy. And so tell me about this process of discovering your genius and discovering your mission. I imagine it must be a very satisfying part of what you do with people and I'd love to hear about it. Speaker 3 00:06:33 Okay, awesome. So, um, I believe that we have, I call it two purposes in life. Okay. And one is the, the purpose of the soul. And I'll explain that in a second. And one is what I call the purpose of the body. Right. So, um, so when we're looking for a life purpose, when we're looking for, um, you know, what is, you know, what is what I call the genius? It's very much about what am I going to do with my time and this body. Okay. So the sole purpose is the part of us that you, your soul is the part that came into this world with nothing and is going to leave with nothing. Yeah. So there's a part of us that is the mysterious part of it. Some people call it consciousness, some people call it awareness. Some people call it source. Some people call it God, some people call it later. Speaker 3 00:07:29 You know, there's different names have been used to try to explain that there is an aspect of self that moves on from this body and will travel into whichever universes or whatever you believe or don't believe that there's an ongoing journey. Right? So, so, um, I believe that the two purposes we have is one is the sole purpose. And one is the body purpose, or the sole purpose is all about discovering how to be a happy, um, grounded, loving kind, and respectful human to and others. And that my discovery at 22 was all about my sole purpose. Like I didn't know about that. And I was Speaker 2 00:08:16 Your experience in India, right? This is what you're talking about Speaker 3 00:08:19 Is my experience in India discovering, um, uh, what I call the self discovering peace, discovering joy, discovering, um, that I didn't need anything. In fact, I have a sentence to describe this. My teacher in India, he taught me an inner peace, a love and a joy that is not dependent on outside circumstances, events or people. Yes. Because it's super powerful and inner peace and love and a joy that is not dependent on external circumstances, events, or people. This is what I call a soul. Your soul's purpose is defined its way back home. Yes. Yep. Find his way to that place where you realize you already have everything you need inside of you right now. Yeah. That's the art of meditation, isn't it just be being and letting go, letting go of the doer, the one to the needer trying to fix things, you know, feeling broken. Speaker 3 00:09:25 Um, all of the things that, you know, we usually are holding onto. So it's, it's allowing yourself to just be, to be yourself. Yeah. Um, to go beyond the body and beyond the mind. Right. So that is for me, your sole purpose. It is doing the work to elevate yourself as a human. So even though I come from Zimbabwe, I come from hatred. I come from, um, you know, uh, uh, physical abuse, sexually abused. I come from an abusive past and all of this could be the story that I carry around with me, but because I've done the work to connect to my soul, I realized that I'm not my story. I'm not my pain. I'm not anger. I'm not the, the, the, the hatred. I'm not the guilt. I'm not the sexual abuse. I'm not the drama. I'm S there's another part of me. Right. And that's my soul. And my soul is untouched by any external, um, stuff. So that's the first thing. I try to get people to acknowledge. Yeah. When they do with me and the work that I do, it's like, can we look, is there more to you than your name and your students? Speaker 2 00:10:40 Yes, listen, listen, this is, so this is just it's revolutionary. I mean, in fact, I believe it's the opposite of revolutionary. It's the most basic, it's the most basic thing. But in today in our society, it's so revolutionary to think that you, uh, you could be locked up in justly. You could be abandoned, you could be abused and you can still love what is, yeah. You can still find love all around you, even in the midst of such tragedy. And, and this is something where I've struggled with this during, during the COVID pandemic, that so many people are so upset. They're so they're hurting about, about this. They're, they're, they're, they're hurting because of the suffering. They see they're hurting because of the fear for their wellbeing. And I want to honor that I'm not here to tell people what their journey should look like, but I got to tell you that I'm not suffering. Speaker 2 00:11:55 I'm not suffering. Like I, I have found beautiful avenues of living that have opened up during COVID. There are things I can do in COVID that I could never do outside of COVID. Well, I w I went to, um, New York and I was able to walk down the middle of Lexington avenue for a block, with not a single car coming. And it was just one of these experiences that I'll never forget, you know, because this is a city with more traffic than you can imagine. And I'm just walking down the middle of a street, just soaking in what's happening. And I had so many of these experiences, and I don't know about you, but I have, without taking away the pain of others, I have really found so much love and beauty, um, to be harvested during this time. And I believe that that holds true during any type of difficulty. Speaker 3 00:12:57 Absolutely. And I think I love the way you explaining this. It's just so juicy. And I think what people need to understand is what I call the reality. Okay. And the reality is that when we came into this world, we came in as pure consciousness. If you look at a little baby, there are pure love. Yes. A baby is pure love. That's just all a baby is right. And then as the baby starts to grow, it starts to learn about fear, about, hate, about anger, about pain, but it doesn't know any of that stuff before we teach it that stuff. So what we're essentially saying is even when you, I think when you're leaving this planet, I think there's a moment where you return back to your core. If you haven't woken up during your life and think there's moment, you return back to that, love you re you know, you ridden back to that, that pure essence of self. Right? So, um, so yeah, basically you are pure love. That's why you said you're able to experience, even in adversity, you're able to experience love, right. Because that's our nature. That's Speaker 2 00:14:09 All there is. Speaker 3 00:14:11 Yeah. That's our nature beyond all of the drama and all of the story, but only when we become still can we know that, right? And that's why it's important to create experiences for people to experience for themselves. I didn't know about this until I experienced it. Like someone telling me, oh, your nature is love. Oh yeah. That sounds nice. But Speaker 2 00:14:36 Yeah, that's great. That's great. Hallmark. That's great. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:14:38 Yeah. So I love to actually create experiences for people. Like, look, I'll show you what I figured out. I'll, I'll help to guide you into that deeper place. So you can experience what I've experienced. That's what my teacher did for me. He held the space and opened up ways of perceiving myself and reality. That allow me to understand I'm not my story. Sorry. I don't know if I can say I just said it, but I'm not my story. Right. Um, so, so yes, it's a part of me, but it's a part of the limited version of me. What do I mean by that? It means that I could leave my body at any second. This all could be over. I could have one night. I could have 10 nights. I could have 10 years and I could still have 50 years to live. We do not know how much time we have. So every moment is so precious every single moment. And then you've got to ask yourself the question. I have a choice of how I'm going to live this moment. Right. I can lean. And I always say to people, you only ever have two choices. That's why this becomes so easy to bring it to, Speaker 2 00:15:56 Can we bring it to me? Cause I, I, I think I know what you're going to say. And I'm excited. So tell me, Speaker 3 00:16:01 You only ever have two choices. You can lean into positivity, or you can lean into negativity in some way, form or shape. Always only making two decisions. Now, as you listening to this, you could be leaning into, oh, no, I don't like this woman. I don't like which, which is okay. You, you have the right to do that. And so you lean into that, like no rejection and whatever it is, right. Or you can lean into, wow, this is interesting. I want to hear more. Oh, I'm curious. Or always like it or whatever. Right? So you only ever making two choices when you anxiety, anxiety, it's a choice. Anxiety is a choice. You no, one's holding a gun to your head and saying, you have to feel anxiety right now. You can say, what is it going to bring me? What is this feeling going to bring me? Speaker 3 00:16:49 It brings me nothing. So what can I look to be grateful for right now? So right now you could lean into gratitude. Like, oh, I'm alive. Yes. I am here. I'm in my body. And I have the opportunity today to share more intimacy and more love with the people that I care about. Whether that's through Skype or through whatever I'm making a choice to live. Yes. Yeah. And that, because that's honoring life, that's honoring reality. And the fact that you honor, you don't know how much time you have. Right. So it is actually an arrogance to think you have time first. And then once you get out of that story of, I have time you think, okay, I have this moment. What do you want to do? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:17:35 That's right. And so tell me, bring this back to, uh, the, the, the soul mission. You said. So that's what we're talking about first, right? The sole mission. And so how do you figure that? Speaker 3 00:17:47 Okay. So your sole purpose is all about working on yourself, not being happy for no reason. Uh, waking up to the reality, what I've just told you about. You don't know how much time you have your hello. What do you want to do with your time? This is all what I call the soul purpose. And very essential part of finding your genius and your calling, because most people. And when I talk about genius, I talk about talent. Your genius for me is your talent. It is your, I also call it your moneymaker because let's be let's. And that's why I say it's connected to the body because without the body, you don't need a genius. Speaker 2 00:18:31 You are everything. You are the creator. So Speaker 3 00:18:33 Yes. So, so the genius I call it, the body purpose is really the talent that you are going to choose to become masterful at. Okay. Yeah. So, so that's why people get confused because they're like, put me Hema. I am so good at, uh, at sewing and I'm good at, um, hiking and I'm good at, you know, uh, coaching and I don't know, I can't choose. Right. You have to choose, you have to choose, like you can have 10 talents, but are you masterful at something because that's, what's going to give you confidence in life to know that you bring a value, you have something to give to the world and that's your talent. Now, some people use music, some people use, you know, uh, cooking. Some people use teaching. Some people use, um, helping people lose weight. Some people, you know, so there's different talents that you could hone in on, in camp. Speaker 3 00:19:35 And I see choose the talent that lights up your soul the most. Yeah. Because it's going to be very difficult on any path you choose to really become a superstar on that path. Right. So if you say, I'm gonna take cooking and I want to do something with cooking, okay. That's going to be a challenging path, even if you're good at cooking, right. If you say, oh, no, I'm going to take a sewing and I'm going to do something with that. There's going to be a challenging map. You know? So even if you pretty good at sewing, so choose the path that feels the most, like, I want to leave a legacy here. Right? So that's your, I want to take this talent and do something meaningful in the world and just be about making money, even though your genius is your moneymaker be about making money because you know, we all know that you can make money from your talent and still be miserable. Right. And why is that? Why are people like, you know, I've got my money. I've made money. Yeah. I've got my talent, but they still are drowning in, in, in whatever, like negative issues, living Speaker 2 00:20:45 A lukewarm life at best. Speaker 3 00:20:47 Exactly. Why is that? Because of the parties first talked about, they didn't work on their sole purpose. Okay. Speaker 2 00:20:54 All right. Speaker 3 00:20:55 Does that make sense? This is all about just, I am just such a grateful, grounded, centered, happy human being. I'm not like this all the time because I'm fricking human. Yeah. But I try to spend 80% of my time just saying, thank you. Thank you. I try to spend 80% of my time being helpful and kind and meaningful to others. Um, I try to spend 80% of my time feeling good about myself and the world. This is the sole purpose. And it needs to be done more than the body purpose, the body purpose. We can find that easily. Right? I'm a teacher, I'm a dancer. I'm a musician. I'm an artist. I'm a cook. I'm a, this I'm a that right. That's all great. But what are you going to do with that talent? That makes it feel meaningful. And that's when we switch into the mission, what I call your mission, my gift is facilitating transformation. Speaker 2 00:21:54 I like Speaker 3 00:21:54 That. That's my gift. And I'm becoming masterful at this. It's been two and a half decades. It's in the making and I will continue to grow and I have a lot to learn and I've learned a lot. Um, and now my mission is to empower people, to be peaceful, powerful, and joyful in the now yes. Speaker 2 00:22:14 Now Speaker 3 00:22:15 In the now. Yes. So that's my personal mission. That's what makes me wake up in the morning and not make it about me and get sort of bogged down with all of my problems. Yeah. So I can take this gift that I have, and I can focus it on my mission, which is to empower people, to be peaceful, powerful, and joyful in the now presence of the now that's really what I teach. I teach. I wake up, wake up, wait, hello? Hello. You're here now. Do you realize how precious this could be open snap off a second? Yeah. Let's come back to reality and let's make better choices today right now about who you want to be, because nobody cares about what you achieve, what you have or what you accomplish. What makes, what they care about is who you are, what you made them feel, what you brought to the table, energetically, spiritually with love. That's what people care about. Speaker 2 00:23:15 That's right. That's right. Let me ask you then. Okay. So I'm gonna, I'm going to connect two dots that I see here. And I think that they make sense, but I want to give you a chance to comment on that by belief. And I believe from what I hearing you may feel similarly, is that if you focus on the ever present now yes. And if you build your capacity, uh, I, I, if to me, it's more, if you, if you access your memory of how to be present in the now, uh, then your sole mission, your soul purpose, your soul purpose and your body purpose, or your genius naturally become clear, open paths. Because every answer that you could possibly need for anything in life is in the ever-present. Now that Sur is in the stillness. It is. If we desire, if we have sufficient desire to go into the stillness and ask the question, listen, and then find the guts to do what the stillness tells us to do. And once we do that, there is no more obstacle like Paolo Coelho in the alchemists says, when you follow your personal legend, the entire universe conspires in your favor. And so this is really what I believe. And I'm wondering if you might feel the same way. Speaker 3 00:24:57 Absolutely. I have different words to describe it, but exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing. So we're saying the same thing, just, I would use different words. My sentence is I'm living in a friendly universe that is designed to support me. It is designed. I am designed to be here in this time and space and everything around me is designed to support me. We see this in nature, everything is called creating and coexisting together. It's not an island on its own, right. Um, clouds are created that fall as rain that fall into a river that, you know, gives water and makes the trees grow. And there's all this interconnected space. And then we breathe the fresh air. And so this, so we are part of this amazing ecosystem on a physical level and on an energetic spiritual level. And once you start to understand that, as you said, there's nothing you can't do be or have. Speaker 2 00:26:02 Yes. Yes, that's right. But that Speaker 3 00:26:05 Being said, you have to stay in radical action, not right. You've got to stay in radical action. Like if you say, you know, whatever it is, I want to, you know, I don't want to have a job. I want to, you know, be a global nomad like you are doing right now. This is a conscious choice. This is not like, oh, look how lucky he is. He's just a global nomad floating. Right? No, you've consciously chose. Speaker 2 00:26:32 Thank you for saying that. Yes. I love that. Yes. My ego loves hearing that because I got to tell you, it is, it is, uh, it is. I want say that so much when people say, oh, I just wish I could have a life. Like you, you don't want to be like, you're the only thing that's stopping you from having a life like you, your toddler is not stopping you from having a life like me. Your job is not stopping you from having a life like me. You're ailing. Parents are not stopping you from having a life like me. You are stopping you and you may be stopping you for wonderful, perfect reasons. Or you may be stopping yourself for fear, doubt, or ego. And you know, what everybody's path is perfect. Everyone's path is ideal. There is no, there is no imperfect path. Uh, but we are the ones who create the Speaker 3 00:27:28 100 cents. And let's explain that gaze you create how you create is through your belief systems. Yes. So your belief systems create your emotional body, which create your actions that you take, right? So let's say I believe that, um, my education leaving school at 16, um, is going to mean that I don't get access to certain jobs, certain opportunities and be, and I believe that because I only went to school until 16, I can't do X, Y, Z. So this belief is going to cause an emotional state inside of me. Maybe that feeling of being stupid, a feeling of not being enough, a feeling of not, uh, you know, being able to accomplish what I want to accomplish. And then I'm going to be acting according to their belief system. Yes. So now let's say we change the belief that, you know, in order to, you know, like you don't need a, you know, a PhD and a master's degree to be a international business legend. Speaker 3 00:28:37 Yes. You just change the belief you like, you know, I can be, I can be street smart. I can be, you know, savvy. I can like, I don't need a, um, uh, a school education to be able to be financially successful in the world. I believe that. And now I start to feel a certain way because of that belief, right? Unity's come my way. I'm operating with that belief system, right. That education is great, but it doesn't equal. Success equals success is a different level of smartness. So you can have PhDs, you can have master's degrees and you can still fail, you know? Um, and you can just be street smart and savvy and succeed. So every belief is creating your reality. That's Speaker 2 00:29:23 100% true. So Speaker 3 00:29:25 You believe that you are going to be taken care of you believe that you're going to create, um, positive experiences. You create, you believe that things are gonna unfold and come to you. And by the way, I know this because I also lived a nomad life, which I still feel I'm semi there, but because I'm married and, you know, we have a place here in Switzerland, we have a little bit of a base camp, but before that I was floating around and creating magic in my life and even with my husband. Um, so, so I know that beliefs create your emotional state, create the actions that you take. And that's why you want to surround yourself with people that don't think like you do that can allow you to challenge some of those beliefs that you have that are keeping you in, uh, in the prison as you so beautifully put it. Yeah. So let's Speaker 2 00:30:21 See the prison. Speaker 2 00:30:22 Let's, let's bring this to some practical, uh, some practical help for the listener. So we talked about the, uh, we talked about the sole purpose, which is really simply learning to recognize your oneness with the creator. It's really learning to recognize your perfection and to step into that, right? And to, to stop turning to fear and doubt and all of the things that keep us, uh, small in this animal kingdom. And then there is the, uh, body mission, the genius, which is a, let's find something that we feel joy doing, that we become masterful at. And that takes care of the logistical aspects of living our life Speaker 3 00:31:09 And serves humanity. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:31:12 And I'm so glad you said that. Yes. Because you know, um, the concept of fulfillment, as we think about a fulfilling life requires service or usefulness, right. Fulfillment can not occur. This is what I, you know, what, can I back this up with a fact? No, but if you disagree with me, I don't know what to tell you don't fight me. Cause I don't fight anymore. But you know, fulfillment requires usefulness that there is no such thing as being fulfilled through service to yourself, it requires something like that Speaker 3 00:31:50 100% and you enemy people can try it, like look at people that are like, oh, you know, like clients that come onto our campus, you know, and they're like, what, why do I need to be of service? Why do I need to be a server? I said, because I mean, think about what gives you the most joy. And then they started to talk about, you know, people and being able to support or help somebody, you know? Um, but you know, in some way, making someone else's life better, but not above your own wellbeing. Let me be clear about that. Okay. This is not that like, I'm gonna get, like while you're dying and becoming a smaller version, this is about being the best version of yourself and saying, now I've elevated, right? Because I've worked on my self on a soulful level and maybe in process, you've created more abundance in your life because that, that has to happen. Okay. There's no way you can elevate yourself and not elevate your, your abundance. That means Speaker 2 00:32:51 Fruits. Speaker 3 00:32:54 It's just not possible. Right. That higher frequency brings in more gorgeous people, more great opportunities. And you know, and I see it all the time because people come on our campus and they're like, ah, miracles are happening now. Oh my God. And it's maybe too fast. And I'm like, sweetheart, it's not too fast. Ready for this already say yes, yes, yes, yes. Speaker 3 00:33:25 So yeah, the, the, the, the, the, the being of service, that's the mission, right? So you take your genius, which is your talent. You choose a talent, cause yes, you may have 10 talents. But if you want to be, if you look at anyone in the world that you admire anybody, they ha they chose a path to become masterful at. And then maybe they branched out. Right. So Beyonce, she didn't start with trying to act, trying to design, trying to, you know, she started with as a singer. And when she got to the high level, then other doors opened, she became a triple threat. Then she's acting and she's an entrepreneur or fancy stuff. Right. But her initial grind was taking her talent to the highest level. She could play that game. Right. It required focus and energy. So I know lots of people might be like, yeah, that's maybe old school. It's not old school. It is new school. It's today's school. Don't be all over the place, choose a talent and nurture that talent until the talent gives back to you. Yes. Yes. And it will, it will. There's no other way that this can happen. If you commit to your talent and becoming masterful and using it to serve others, there's only one way this thing can go, which is Speaker 2 00:34:39 Right. That's right. Here's the, here's the corollary to that. That if you believe pursuing your talent, won't pay the bills, then you are correct. You know, that's the thing. Now, if you want to sell jewelry at a flea market and also make $250,000 a year, I'm not saying that that's not possible. I'm saying you have a heck of a road ahead of you to figure out if that's, what, if though, if those two things are both required for you, but the question is, why do you want $250,000 income? Like, like, is that really what your soul is asking for? Or is that what your ego or fear or discomfort or doubt is asking for, you know, or is that what someone else in your life is telling you to ask for? Um, when I listened to my inner soul, sure. I would love, I would love to make a quarter of a million dollars a year. That would be so wonderful. It would be delightful. Um, but when I asked my inside, is that, is that something I should pursue my insights say, no, baby, no, no, no. You're, you're all your needs are met. All your needs are met. So some, some, uh, you know, random number that you fixated on for income that is you trying to control that is you trying to take the unknown out of life. And the only way to take the unknown out of life is to go inside and get in touch with the stillness. Speaker 3 00:36:14 Absolutely. I, I, you know, I agree that we should be very deep listening to the, why do we want this? Yes. Speaker 2 00:36:23 That's it really wrong with high income? No. Why need it? Yes, Speaker 3 00:36:31 Exactly. Yeah, because you know, like, I, I don't, I personally come from the school where, you know, uh, money and spirituality can dance very beautifully together. Very beautiful. We remove the limiting beliefs that they shouldn't dance beauties. I've noticed in the spiritual scene or world, there is a sort of like, like a downplay on money can be there. Like, you know, like you shouldn't want money. If you're spiritual, you should just be like, Hey, you know, I got the spirit and I want to tell my personal story. Um, I used to say things like, um, I don't need money. I don't need money. I, I, I, in a piece is what matters to me. Right. And I said that and repeated that. And then, uh, my joke now is, you know, I didn't need money and money ended up not needing me either. Okay. And this is very unpleasant. Speaker 3 00:37:26 I went through a bankruptcy with my husband. Um, we had to file for bankruptcy. It was a very challenging time in our lives. Um, and, uh, and then when I was 40 I'm 50 now, um, I was financially dependent on my husband. We sort of crude our way through, you know, the bankruptcy. Um, and we were better, but I, and I still was prance. I say prancing, cause I literally used to prance around like, you know, like I used to run around and I was saying it ISO still hadn't learned from their bankruptcy. Right. And I was saying, and so we were going down towards the second bankruptcy and that's when I said, I got to stop saying this because I do care about money. I do not want to be like 45 years old. And like, feeling like, I don't know where money is. Speaker 3 00:38:21 Like, like I, this is not the life I want. It's not the life I saw for myself. So I made a decision to have a completely, my shift around money. And I started to say, money loves me. And I love money. I love money. And money loves me. We have a good relationship. And yes, money, money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis while enriching lives. I'm so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis. And I started saying this, which I got from Bob Proctor, this mantra, I started seeing this mantra and started to kind of heal that part of me that didn't there was rejecting money. Right. And, uh, and you know, my life completely changed after that. You know, so I'm here as a kind of, you know, recovering, you know, um, the spiritual hippie who rejected who say, listen, I do, you know, like I need to get my shit together on this level as well, because that's part of the holistic, you know, self care. So, so, so I think for anyone listening, yes, it's important to ask, why do you want this? But also you need to believe that you deserve the very best that life has to Speaker 2 00:39:50 Offer. That's right. Speaker 3 00:39:52 You have the very best that life. And you get to define what that very best is. Speaker 2 00:39:56 Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. The ego attaches to the idea of giving up money just as easily as it attaches to the idea of needing to be rich, you know? And so it's about understanding, am I, uh, am I trying to be a moneyless spiritual person because it makes me feel special and superior, you know, because that is every bit as, um, detrimental to your soul growth as needing to make a certain income. They both equal opposites for sure. Speaker 3 00:40:37 Beautiful. I'm so glad we touched on this topic because it's so important. And I, I don't know if it's more important for women or for men, right. Because men in neatly have had for centuries the training, you've got to get the money. Speaker 3 00:40:54 You know what I'm saying? There's no question about it. We got to go for that money. Okay. Sometimes to their own detriment. Okay. But as women, there's a tendency to at least I had that for sure. Like, uh, yeah. I mean, the money's going to come and we flow and you know, and this kind of ideas, until, as I said, I was staring down the barrel of a potential second bankruptcy where I thought, oh, I was expecting my husband to save me, you know? And, and I've let my, I've lost myself on this level. And I need to take charge of myself. I need to take charge of my responsibility to myself, to be financially standing on my own two feet. It was really tough period in my life because I had to, I really have had to what I call own my B S and I had look at myself in the mirror and say, you know, Hema, come on, you're better than this. Right. Um, you know, go after what you truly want. Like, what do you really want? And what I wanted was to be able to, to stand up on my own feet, be financially independent, doing what I love. Yes, Speaker 2 00:42:07 Yes, Speaker 3 00:42:08 Yes. But I thought, I need to figure this out. I need to figure this out and how I figured it out was getting help. I couldn't figure it out by myself. So there's anyone listening to this? There, there, there is always people like myself, like Johnny, like other people that have gone past their limitations and therefore they can show you how to do that. You don't need to figure this out on your, on your own. No. Get someone to walk the path with you that you, that you feel connected to. And, you know, I'm so glad that I've, you know, had the courage to, to do own my BS and say, listen, this has to change. I can not have this repeat in five years. Right. Um, at my 40th birthday, I was like, this is ridiculous. I do not want to be here at 45. Speaker 3 00:42:59 And I certainly don't want to be here at 50. Right. Yeah. And I intended this. So by 50, I blown my own mind. I've completely lost my relationship with money. I've created independence. I've created success. I work with my husband together very happily. And we have just completely changed our lives because we changed our belief system. Yeah. And, and my belief was, I don't care about money. I care about peace. That was my belief. Okay. And it wasn't helping me. So I got rid of that one. I care about peace and money. Okay. I can care about both at the same time. It doesn't make me a bad person. Speaker 2 00:43:42 Let me ask you a hemo. If listeners want to learn more about what you do and how you show up in the world and, uh, or if they just really enjoyed your energy and kind of want to just connect with you in some way. Uh, what do you, Speaker 3 00:43:57 Okay. So I recommend that you would go to the, my Hema Speaker 2 00:44:06 In the show notes, for sure. Speaker 3 00:44:07 Yeah. So T H E and then my name Matt Hema, and how to spell this is just think of mama with a high. Yeah. So ma H I M E my Hema, um, and what you will have as a juicy, wonderful gift is you will have my 21 day meditation challenge. So you can start connecting to your soul purpose to day. So you can start feeling the power of the now and feel the presence of that simplicity that is love and beauty inside of you. And yes, I can get you there within, you know, 10 do I think most of the recordings are like about 13 minutes a day for 21 days, all you need to do is commit and you can do it on your own. It's just the journey you can download and do it on your own. And it's going to give you more peace, more, love, more joy. Speaker 3 00:45:07 That's what people tell me that do this. So it's not me blowing my own trumpet. That's what people have told me. They're like, oh my God, this challenge is amazing. Uh, and it's just a few minutes and it's completely free. So you can go over there and get rocking with that. And then of course you can join us at the Mahima mindset page on Facebook, um, as well. And also, uh, I think it's Mahima mindset on Instagram. Yeah. My mindset on Instagram. So I would love to meet you, enjoy the challenge. I hope you have fun with it. Um, you can do it also with friends and family as a 21 day challenge to just connect to deeper inner peace. Speaker 2 00:45:43 Yes, exactly. And as I mentioned in the beginning of the show, you know, Mahima has spent over 10,000 hours in meditation practice. And so this is something that she has dedicated her life to so many, not only episodes of refractive, but so many of the listeners of refractive are just embarking on this spiritual journey and are finding the courage to go inside and find the stillness. So if meditation is something that's challenging, we've talked about this before on other episodes of medicine, meditation is something that you feel is, is, is, uh, as a challenge for you. Uh, definitely go to the Mahima and take a look at this challenge because 21 days is enough time for you to build a habit. And so having someone to guide you through, uh, walking into your stillness and, and growing comfortable in that spot is invaluable. So thank you for that behemoth. Speaker 3 00:46:38 You're welcome. Thank you everyone for your time here. Thank you, Johnny. For, as I said, continuing to be a beautiful light in this world, bringing these conversations to people, so really appreciate it. I've had a lot of fun. Thank you so much joy. Speaker 2 00:46:54 Yes. Thank you everyone. Remember that as you go out into the world and you find people who are struggling and who are trudging along the path of a difficult life, uh, we are all just doing the very best we can. So be good to each other and never pass up an opportunity to aim your light. Make it a good one. Bye everybody. Speaker 3 00:47:15 Beautiful. Speaker 2 00:47:17 You have been listening to refractive podcast, and this is Johnny G. If you've enjoyed today's episode, do me a favor, give it a share on social media, or if you're in the podcast app, give it a, if you're on YouTube click, like it really does make a difference in the search results. I am a speaker, coach and facilitator based in Washington, DC, but I work in person and remotely with people who are ready to step with clarity into their most authentic life. If I can be of service, reach out to me, Johnny J O H N N [email protected] have an amazing day. Be good to each other and always remember aim your light.

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