You already know. You already are.

Episode 41 May 28, 2022 00:52:16
You already know. You already are.
You already know. You already are.

May 28 2022 | 00:52:16


Hosted By

Johnny Guidry

Show Notes

We spend so much of our lives scrounging and begging for scraps when there is a banquet laid out at the next table, and it's been put there JUST for us. The truth is, we humans often trade our birthright of magnificence for a life of scratching and clenching and snatching and wishing. Fortunately, we have a treasure map built into our being, it just requires us to seek to quiet the noise around us and re-learn how to access it. Host Johnny G discusses how holding tightly to careers, relationships, and ideologies that no longer fit keep us small and block our light. He encourages listeners to remember that no matter how dark and rough and confusing life can be, there is one thing for certain: you already know and you already are.

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