"What's My Purpose?" - A Refractive Guided Meditation

Episode 11 January 03, 2021 00:22:12
"What's My Purpose?" - A Refractive Guided Meditation
"What's My Purpose?" - A Refractive Guided Meditation

Jan 03 2021 | 00:22:12


Hosted By

Johnny Guidry

Show Notes

What is your purpose in life?

This guided meditation and visualization explores your highest purpose in life and how you are best equipped to make a lasting impact on those around you. From this place of clarity, you are better able to identify your calling and key archetypes in life and then use that info to “begin with the end” and design a career, a lifestyle, and relationships that lead to that goal. Have a pen and paper ready to write down the content of the visualization as soon as possible. Like a dream, these visualizations often fade quickly. There are instructions given in the meditation on what aspects to pay attention to.

The observations you’ll write down after the meditation point to how you can best build a legacy in harmony with your talents, your spiritual gifts, and your highest calling.

This guided meditation and visualization explores how you are best equipped to make a lasting impact on those around you. From this place of clarity, you are better able to identify your calling and key archetypes in life and then use that info to “begin with the end” and design a career, a lifestyle, and relationships that lead to that goal. The challenge is to honor this guidance when you reach decision points in life. After all, how much is your true calling- a life that feels passionate and right- worth?

As I always tell my clients: you already know, you already are; the answer is in the stillness! Enjoy this relaxing and informative meditation.

Please note: a version of this meditation was first shown to me by the Co-Active Training Institute, the organization that taught me coaching. While I expanded on the original notion, I cannot take credit for the concept. Learn more about CTI by clicking here.

The guided meditations of Steve Nobel, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, is referenced in the recording. You can find his YouTube page here.

For more episodes on living your most authentic and powerful life, try these: A Life that Feels Right and The Courage to Change Careers.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Ever since you can remember, you felt something in your chest telling you to move, to love, to speak, to try day after day. You pretend you don't hear calling, or maybe you dismiss it as silliness or worse that it's there ready for you. And it will wait for you as long as you need. My name is Johnny G and I invite you to join me on a journey of awakening. As we dare to embrace our light. This is refractive. Hello. Hello everyone. And welcome to refractive. This is Johnny G. Speaker 1 00:00:45 Since I've started the podcast, I've wanted to record some guided meditations. Guided meditations have been so important to me in my own personal growth and development and my spiritual deepening. Over the last few years, I particularly enjoy the guided meditations of Steve noble and Obi E L. And you can find Steve noble on YouTube. His meditations tend to be very high level spirituality. What I mean by that is they focus a lot on the presence of angels and energetics and things like that. So if that resonates with you, I highly recommend it. If you'd like to stay a little more close to earth with your meditations, then that might not be for you. One of the things that I work most frequently on with clients is uncovering or gaining increased clarity around their purpose. So that's the focus of the meditation today. We all have good ideas of what we like, what we don't like, what we don't want to do, but not everyone has a strong indication of what they feel their calling is. This meditation was taught to me by the co-active training Institute. So I want to give them credit for it. It is not my own original content, but that is the organization that I used to learn how to be a coach. So this was a really powerful lesson that we learned in the training courses. And I wanted to pass it onto you. Speaker 1 00:02:35 Logistically you'll want to get something to write with for immediately after the visualization. So have a notebook or a journal ready? I do not recommend necessarily using a smartphone, uh, in theory, I guess that could work, but my gut says the most useful tool is going to be pen and paper for when you finish this. All right? So if you already like, I am, let's go ahead and get into a comfortable position. Sit in your favorite chair, make sure that your body is well supported. Look through your body to find any areas where you might be storing tension. Speaker 1 00:03:30 Are you closing your eyes more tightly than you need to? Are your teeth pressing together? Are your shoulders shrugging up just a bit higher than they need to. As we breathe in and out, just explore, look through your body and find evidence of any muscles that you may be squeezing tighter than they need to be. Surrendering is an essential part of any spiritual practice. So surrender to gravity, surrender to the chair, let something else do the work of supporting you. You've done enough of that. As you breathe, envision your breath, going up to the top of your head as you inhale and way down to the bottom of your spine. As you exhale, maybe you see it as a pulse of light. That's rhythmically, rising and falling. Following the path of your spine. As you see this lovely light rising and falling, rising and falling along the path of your spine. No, that this light is cleansing you. Each time it passes. Speaker 2 00:06:23 Inhale, cleanses, exhale. You're being cleansed. Speaker 1 00:06:40 Notice what color the light is. Maybe it's white or silver. Maybe it's a pale gold or soft pink. What color is your light? As it flows up and down your spine. Speaker 2 00:06:59 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:07:11 Let's look again for any tension in the body. Is there anywhere your muscles are doing work? They don't need to do, Speaker 2 00:07:27 Can Speaker 1 00:07:27 You relax the top of your head? Feel the muscles in your cheeks. Let them loosen, Speaker 2 00:07:54 Sink down. Enjoy the realization. Okay. Speaker 1 00:08:05 That all is well. There's not a single thing you could need that you don't have right now. Speaker 2 00:08:15 Wow. Speaker 1 00:08:25 Take a few more breaths in the comfort of knowing that all is well Speaker 2 00:08:32 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:08:59 In your mind's eye. Let's build a world picture the most perfect weather and the most perfect time of day for you. Maybe it's the golden hour when the light is so charming and soft, maybe it's a bright, sunny, early afternoon. Pick your temperature, pick your season, pick the perfect day and notice that you are sitting on the porch, a big porch, overlooking an enormous, beautiful lawn that slopes down to a very peaceful pond. And as you might find in a setting like this, there's a little shrub here. There's some flowers growing over there, just wildly popping up wherever they feel like you notice the gentle, rising, and falling of the ground. As it stretches from this beautiful porch down to the water. Speaker 1 00:10:46 And you can feel the air at just the right temperature. It's as if nature is happy to see you. And you're sitting in an incredibly comfortable chair, maybe it's a rocking chair or a porch swing. Maybe it's a nice piece of a pollster patio furniture. And you were so comfortable. Your favorite beverage is right next to you and you are of a mature, advanced age. You have lived an incredible full life. And today, people who love you are here to celebrate your life. There's an amazing party in honor of your legacy. That's taking place today. And from time to time, a guest arrives, they walk up through the lawn up the porch. And there you are in your comfortable chair with your perfect beverage on this glorious day. And they are so joy to see you. They walk up, maybe they'll take your hand in both of theirs, maybe you'll hug. And the guests that are arriving are people that you've touched in your life. Some of them you are very close to. They might be family or neighbors. Speaker 2 00:12:53 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:12:57 Some of them are people that were on the outskirts of your life. Maybe there's a teacher from high school. Maybe there's a clerk at a store that you go to a lot or the barista from your favorite coffee shop, Speaker 2 00:13:17 Right? Speaker 1 00:13:20 But what's undeniable is that you had made an impact and these guests are coming up one after another. And they are here to thank you for all you've done for them. They look you in the eyes, they smile a beautifully genuine smile, and they each tell you how you've made their life better. What they take away from their time with you. Speaker 2 00:14:03 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:14:10 You notice there's now a line of people who are happy to wait to tell you hello, and to thank you for your impact. Speaker 2 00:14:24 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:14:28 You can see as you glance that these people who may not know each other are joyfully chatting, enjoying this perfect day that you've created. And this perfect day in your honor Speaker 2 00:14:45 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:14:54 And you notice on the small table next to you that there's a pile of envelopes. People have been putting cards and letters and notes, and you haven't even noticed. And these letters and these notes give you putable detailed tellings of how you have impacted and touched the lives of people. Speaker 2 00:15:26 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:15:36 The line of guests has finished and there you are on your comfortable porch. In beautiful piece, you can hear the muffled voices of the guests that are inside as they grab a snack and tell each other hello. But for now, you're by yourself. And you look at this heap of notes and cards and letters, and you feel so warmed in your heart to know that in your life, you have contributor to people in a way that has them eager to thank you and let you know just how valuable you've been. You reach over, you pick up the top envelope and you open it. And for the next few minutes in silence, I'll let you read note. After note, as you are told, how you have contributed to these loved ones lives. Speaker 2 00:17:17 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:17:22 Take this time in silence to read through these notes, and I'll be back in a few minutes, and there are so many beautiful notes of love and gratitude on this table. And you'll look at the rest later, But for now you lift your eyes to the lawn and the shrubs and the beautiful pond in front of you. And you feel the Amazing weather of the day. And you know, today was a really good day, Speaker 2 00:19:36 Deeply Speaker 1 00:19:41 Move your hands, wiggle your toes, open your eyes, Speaker 2 00:19:49 And then Speaker 1 00:19:50 Pick up that pen and paper that you sat next to you And write these questions at the top of the page. What did people thank me for? What was my impact? What were the common threads As this meditation comes to a close give yourself no fewer than five minutes, maybe 10, maybe 15, and just write down, spill everything out of your mind, put it all on paper. Even if it sounds ridiculous Speaker 1 00:20:46 As you finish, the, the final step will be for you to reread over it and look for the repeating areas of impact. Maybe it was service, maybe it was kindness. Maybe it was laughter it could be anything. And as you look at this very short list of reasons, the people in your visualization thanked you for impacting their lives. This is a very good place to start on understanding why you're here, what you're meant to do, and then building a strategy to allow yourself to shine in that way and whatever you do, work, play love. Thank you so much. Speaker 0 00:21:56 Remember, aim your light, have a great day.

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