Guided Meditation: Ocean Stillness

Episode 15 February 23, 2021 00:13:45
Guided Meditation: Ocean Stillness
Guided Meditation: Ocean Stillness

Feb 23 2021 | 00:13:45


Hosted By

Johnny Guidry

Show Notes

A Refractive Meditation to Enhance Your Practice

This episode features a powerful meditation enhancer. Use this recording to kickstart a meditation and bring you deeper into your stillness. From there, you can take your meditation session in any direction that feels right.

For similar content, try this episode: Guided Meditation- What’s My Purpose?

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hello. Hello everyone. This is Johnny G. Welcome to refractive. You may have noticed that we are not starting with the traditional refractive intro and all of that. That's because since this is a bonus episode, a guided meditation, I wanted to jump right into the content. So it's, as user-friendly as possible, this meditation works as a hybrid guided meditation slash solo meditation. You would start with this recording and as it finishes, you continue your own meditation by yourself. The goal is that by using this recording and some of the methods here, and you would achieve your meditative state more efficiently, and then be able to gather greater benefit from your own meditation. After a while, you'll be able to do this on your own without the recording. This narrative that occurs during the meditation involves sinking into the stillness and peace of the ocean depths. And there are two ways that you can move forward. Speaker 0 00:01:00 You can either simply let the meditation end and stay in that silent still space. Or sometimes there may be some images that begin to play out. In your mind. You might encounter messages from your inner knowing, or you might encounter the image of a loved one and engage with this experience. So it's up to you, how you like to continue your meditation once this is over. So I hope you enjoy it. I use this method a lot to deepen my meditations, and there's no doubt that taking time to go inside to go into the stillness is the number one most important thing I can do to deepen my connection with my higher power. So happy meditating and let's get started. Speaker 1 00:02:05 Get comfortable, sit down, lie down, let the surfaces support your body. There's no work to do your muscles. Don't need to support you. They work hard for you all day. Just relax. Feel the sensations around your skin. Can you feel the fabric? Can you feel cushion the temperature of the air as you surrender to the support of these surfaces, you just let go and you can feel the shape of your body. Gently, slowly, flattening. Just a bit because there's no need to hold up the structures and the hard angles of the human body. You can just spread out like a water balloon. Speaker 1 00:03:26 And as you sit there, seeing yourself just gently flatten out, letting go of the structures that you have to hold up all day. Notice what it feels like to breathe. Feel your breath, come in, feel your breath go out. And every time you breathe in, imagine a putable soft sphere of light that rises up to the top of your head. As you breathe out that sphere of light descends down, down to the base of your spine and you follow this beautiful rhythm of breathing up and down your spine. The light goes up, breathe out the light gently, smoothly, follows your spine down to the base. Speaker 1 00:04:58 Take a moment to notice all of this, the feeling of your breath, the flow of the sphere of light, the sensation of fabrics and air on your skin, feeling of being supported by whatever you're sitting or lying on and take a few breaths and just soak all of this goodness in. And just like that. You notice that you're floating on the surface of the ocean. It is a calm, gentle, beautiful ocean. There's no danger. It's just you floating on the ocean, but it's not your body. Somehow you have taken the form of a small object. Maybe it's carved out of stone or wood. Maybe it's a crystal. Speaker 1 00:06:25 You notice that your essence fills this small object, something that you might put on your desk, you Bob, up and down with the gentle waves. And you notice how beautiful the blue of the ocean is all around you, the turquoise, and when you're ready, let yourself slowly explore downward. And we begin to gently move downward into the water up here. So close to the surface, the water's almost clear, just a hint of turquoise. You see all the beautiful sea life there. Curious, what are you? You've never seen anything like you before, and they come and go and pass and continue on their way. Maybe you see fish, maybe you see turtles and you move down. And just as you might imagine a coin falling into the water. You flip and turn and twist. It's like a very slow ballet. It's very graceful. And you notice that as you twist and twirl and slowly rotate and flip following your path down, the water's a little darker. Now it's a nice rich Turk voice. Speaker 1 00:08:06 Every once in a while. My a curious fish, it's lovely. It's beautiful. You continue on your graceful journey. Downward the waters. Now a nice medium blue, not so turquoise anymore. And you see that you're approaching on your way down a rock shelf, and you can see the coral and the plant life that sits on top of the shelf. And you can see that the edge of the shelf continues downward to out of sight. And it looks like an interesting place. So let's continue our path downward. The water around us is a rich cobalt. Blue. There's not so many fish anymore every once in a while. And you continue to twirl and flip and spin and dance. As gravity gently leads. You downward. Speaker 1 00:09:27 The water is a rich Navy blue, and it's just you in the water and you're being held. You can feel, you can feel the sensation that even as you moved downward, the water is holding you. You can feel the water supporting you from 360 degrees as you turn and twirl and slowly flip and experience this wonder of nature and the feeling of the water all around you. It's like your favorite heavy coat. It's like your favorite heavy blanket. It just feels so safe and supportive. The water is midnight blue now, and there's nothing around. It's just you, it's you in the water, you and the water and everything is perfect. Speaker 1 00:10:37 And you begin to realize that down here at these depths, nothing bad can exist down here. Nothing harmful. It's an extreme place, but you are built for it. And so it's just you and the water's almost black now, but in the distance, as you continue to drift downward, you can see what you think is the bottom of the ocean. And as you approach this Sandy Rocky ocean floor, you gently touch the sand as small clouds fluff up around you. And there you said, it's lovely and safe. It's quiet. There's nothing to disturb the peace. And then you notice 10 feet away. There's something glowing and it is a beautiful opalescent light. You can see it sparkling with tiny prisms of rainbow light. Speaker 1 00:12:09 And you just know that this beautiful, glowing entity is here to support you. Maybe it's a loved one. Maybe it's an angel or guide, but it's here with you to share this beautiful solemn Holy piece. And you sit there on the ocean floor and you realize what happens next is up to you. You can sit here and enjoy the stillness of mind. You could turn and listen and interact with your companion and learn what wisdom there is to share and whichever path you choose. It's the right one. So now it's up to you. What do you choose.

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